Saturday, August 1, 2009

Phases of getting acquainted

Trust Support Loyalty Understanding Empathy Intimacy Conflict Anger

What it would be if you get all these things from a single person!If the answer is YES ,then you
are infected by the terrible ,most valuable ,contagious disease –yeah our are right!Its “friendship”.The word “Friend”is one of the rare cases in the English language whose
meaning has remained consistent through hundreds of years usuage.

FIRST FRIENDship bond:
The day i was born yelling out “am in here mates”,i get aquainted with my first mate
'MOM',she yells in turn -“oh my god , my blessing”,!I yell out in turn -'you look terribly beautiful mom'.
She then introduces me to her companion who stares at me saying”my boy,you are mine”,
Yeah I am yours DAD.This is followed by many social networks-relations.

While my friendship with my family is getting familiar,day comes when I was made ready like a
baked cake with stationary items on my back with a bag,I was introduced to a female with a
chalk in her hand.I wonder is this a milk candy,helo”welcome sweety,this is your class”,I was in
an vacillating mind whether I should cry for being away from MOM or happy that I was away from her,from restrictions-‘don’t go there,don’t eat this,don’t touch that blah blah………………

I somehow managed to get acquainted to my fellow mate sitting near me who was seeking
attention from every one by her audible voice”mommy come back”.Poor thing I was the one who can listen to her voice,guess one day she turns out to be a mega serial actor or even singer,’what a pitch’.

Friendship with her was not an easy one,it was quiet violent.I continued to play my pranks
–braking her pencil,pinching her chubby cheeksand lots more…………….
The violent one turned out to be an ever lasting Friendship.

Now am 18 years ,guess what I am pursuing my under graduation(not an unusual one).
This time college mates,not an ordinary bench mate,I get categorized with hell lot of “friendship
types”-SMS friend,phone friend,batch mate,dept mate,online mate,friend of friends…………..i get graduate with all these friendships….'.Give me an INTRO' is the most
Expected word .MY days passes away –messaging my friends almost all the time ,except for the sleeping hours,no time for my first acquainted friend-MOM.Always waiting for a new scheme or the famous’booster pack’to have a walkie -talkie on anything that’s irrespective of our knowledge.Now i am in the latter part of college friendship and am enjoying it.

Friendship is our self owned property which cannot be destroyed by any casatrophies.
Friendship can be with anyone or anything-the point is does it gets qualified with all the basic
qualities of being a friend,having frienship?It is definitely a bonafied certificate of who you are,what you are,how you are.It makes you realize your existence on earth.Each moment with a friend is a moment added to time,moments that give us in turn an understanding of who we are ,why we exist,what our purpose is in living.

Make sure you get all these questions answered when you get bombarded by friendship.If YES,get bombarded and winded by the efficable ,chaste taste of friendship.


  1. The day i was born yelling out “am in here mates”,i get aquainted with my first mate
    'MOM',she yells in turn -“oh my god , my blessing”,!I yell out in turn -'you look terribly beautiful mom'.

    classy touch sruthi!! am totally moved!!!
    am outta words!! sucha darling de neee :*:*:*:*:*

  2. Am infected with tat contagious disease too :P And I really liked the last part :)

  3. @senior !hope u spread it;)merci for reading

  4. Hey sru!!! Well said abt the role of friends (including our parents & family members) in different stages of our span!!! I think you din't experienced the role of same blood born relation, since u were 1ly the valuable asset for your parents!!! Yes!!! It will be more fun & I have experienced the love from my sis in abundance till she got married... Then started some lonely days without her... Thank god, am being matured than realizing my responsibility being the next person to take care of my parents & family then & there if needed!!! Yes!!! Friendship is a nice relation than anyother in the world!!! :-) So... We wanna treat every relation of ours as our friends to lead a joyous life... :-) Nice 1 sru!!! :)
